Invisible Son (Jojo’s view)

July 24, 2023

Invisible Son. Kim Johnson. 2023. Random House. 416 pages. [Source: ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.] 

For so many, the months leading up to and at the height of Covid are this surreal period of time. It was inevitable that the days ran together and to some degree we lost the benefit of time reference. For me, Covid occurred alongside some major life moments that force exact time/date memorization…reading Invisible Son took me through the highs and lows of those emotions/days.

Expertly written, I appreciate that Johnson dropped me down the rabbit hole of the little known history of the Albina area. Her ability to give enough that it captures your attention without taking away from her actual story is awe-inspiring. As always, her characters are real – far from perfect – but unapologetically relatable. On numerous occasions I thought I figured it out, but I never did and honestly the ending left my mouth hanging open. 5 stars. Recommended for every teen that now has a global pandemic as part of their memory.

Published & currently available online and in your local stores – support the author and this book.

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