A Tale of Two Mommies. Vanita Oelschlager, Mike Blanc, ill. 2013. 40 pages. Vanita Books. [ARC provided courtesy of NetGalley.] A Tale of Two Mommies is a look at a little boy who answers his friends questions about his “non-traditional” family structure. It’s a cute look at same-sex headed households from the view of children. The questions and responses are innocent and I found them useful when talking to my own chil...
We Are the Goldens. Dana Reinhardt. 2014. Wendy Lamb Books. 208 Pages. [Source: ARC provided courtesy of NetGalley.] Unsettled. That’s the immediate feeling I had when I finished We Are the Goldens. This is a book that subtly sucks the reader into the emotional turmoil the narrator experiences but doesn’t give the neatly packaged happy ending that one is wont to have. Here, that’s not a bad thing – the entire book is an explorat...
Life is a Bowl Full of Cherries. Vanita Oelschlager. 2011. 4o pages. Vanita Books. [Source: ARC provided courtesy of NetGalley.] How exactly do you explain common idioms to a kindergartner? I never really put a lot of thought into that question, but Life is a Bowl Full of Cherries is definitely a go-to for any parent or teacher who struggles to explain the nuances of not-so-literal language to a little one. This book takes extremely com...
Roman Holiday 1: Chained. Ruthie Knox. 2014. Loveswept. [Source: ARC provided courtesy of NetGalley.] The first part of Ruthie Knox’s serial is a good start to what could be a great story. It pulled me in right away and left me hanging all too soon.Knox presents a story that is easily spread across several books, though I’d like to get them all in one sitting. I will absolutely be checking out subsequent books in this collection...
Nobody’s Side Piece series. Niyah Moore. 2014. David Weaver Presents. [Source: Kindle Unlimited]. This review will actually cover the Nobody’s Side Piece series by Niyah Moore. I picked these up on Kindle Unlimited because I was looking for something away from the romance books I’ve been into as of late. These books are definitely interesting, and I appreciated being able to pick them up from Kindle Unlimited as soon as I fi...